Microsoft SQL Server - Stage Files - Target environment

This article outlines a potential setup for target environments for Microsoft SQL Server Stage File generator.

Please note that the installation and configuration of this target environment fall outside the scope of biGENIUS support.

We will not offer assistance within the provided example in this article.

A Microsoft SQL Server Stage File target environment has numerous alternative configurations and installations.

Below is a potential target environment setup for a Microsoft SQL Server Stage File generator.

Prerequisite environment

Please set up the Microsoft SQL Server environment before configuring additional pieces in the environment to use the Microsoft SQl Server Stage Files generator first.

Be careful: using a Flat File load is impossible with a Linux container

The following Windows container must be created:

Please adapt the mounted folder

docker run -d --name training-sqlserver-windows-2022 -p 1470:1433 -v C:\shared:C:\setup bigeniusx/training-sqlserver-on-windows:latest powershell -file C:\start.ps1

Reason: we need to execute the command sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', '1' in the SQL Server container to be able to load data from a file.
But it is not possible with a Linux OS (see the unsupported features in SQL Server 2022 on Linux)

Setup environment

To load file data, please create the following folder structure:

In the Format folder, copy the XXXX.fmt file from the Format folder of your generated artifacts.

  • In our example:

In the Source folder, copy the file to load.

  • In our example:

If you have already discovered your source data, modeled your project, and generated the artifacts, you're now ready to replace the placeholders in your generated artifacts, deploy these artifacts, and subsequently load the data based on the Generator you are using with the following possible load controls: