No installation is required: launch the application file, which you can download here:
Use the Discovery application
The Discovery application is composed of 2 tabs:
It also includes an application menu.
New Discovery tab
In this tab, you can find the list of the available source types you can discover and then use in the biGENIUS-X application:
It is currently possible to discover the following data:
- Discover Parquet or Delta files on Azure
- Discover Parquet or Delta files on AWS
- Discover Parquet or Delta files on the local file system
- Discover CSV files on Azure
- Discover CSV files on AWS
- Discover CSV files on the local file system
- Discover JSON files on the local file system
- Discover a Snowflake database
- Discover a Microsoft SQL Server database
- Discover an Oracle database
- Discover a PostgreSQL database
- Discover a MySQL or MariaDB database
The configuration details for each available source type are in the corresponding article.
To create a new discovery, click on a source type:
The connection information is displayed according to the source type chosen:
By clicking on the eye icon, you can peek at the content of the sensitive fields, such as the password in the previous example.
Fill in all the needed information and then click on the Save and Next button:
Click on the Discover Source System Data button:
The Discovery application connects to the source type with the configuration provided:
When the metadata is found, the application lists the available objects:
You can expand the discovered objects to check the metadata:
Select the objects you need for the discovery and click on the Save As... button:
By default, the Discovery file name respects the format [Discovery name]_YYYYMMDD_HHmmSS.yaml and will be saved in the Discoveries folder:
Save the file.
This file can now be used to create a discovery in the biGENIUS-X application.
The discovery configuration itself is stored in the DataStorage folder.
Recent tab
In this tab, you can find all the previous discovery configurations you did:
Source System Type groups them.
This list comes from the configurations stored in the DataStorage folder.
If you click on a recent discovery, the configuration details are displayed:
You can update them and create a discovery file using the same process as the New discovery tab.
It is also possible to remove a discovery from the Recent tab by right-clicking on a discovery and choosing the Remove option:
Application menu
The application menu is composed of 2 menus:
- Tools
- Help
The Tools menu is composed of 2 options:
- Open biGENIUS-X: opens the biGENIUS-X application ( in a new Web Browser
- Application Directory: opens the application directory:
The application directory is available in the path C:\Users[Username]\AppData\Local\biGENIUS\DiscoveryApp\
It is composed of 3 folders:
- Logs: contains one log file per discovery application launch:
In the previous example, the application was launched twice on the 21st of October, so there are 2 log files.
Example of a log file content:
20XX-10-22 09:26:28.952 +02:00 [INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
20XX-10-22 09:26:28.981 +02:00 [INF] Hosting environment: Production
20XX-10-22 09:26:28.981 +02:00 [INF] Content root path: C:\Users\[Username]\Desktop
20XX-10-22 09:42:58.915 +02:00 [INF] AW2019_Sales_Azure has been updated.
20XX-10-22 09:43:16.139 +02:00 [INF] Discovery created successfully
File location: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\biGENIUS\DiscoveryApp\Discoveries\AW2019_Sales_Azure_20XX1022_094311.yaml
20XX-10-22 09:43:36.598 +02:00 [INF] ADW2019_Sales has been cancelled. - DataStorage: contains one JSON file per Discovery type:
One file per Source System Type contains the existing configurations. You can consult them in the Recent tab.
Example of a JSON configuration file:
[{"Id":"6b526fe1-572f-4aad-b7cd-e829bf8ba6aa","Name":"ADW2019_Sales","Server":"localhost,1460","Database":"AdventureWorks2019","AuthenticationType":"SQL Server Authentication","User":"sa","Schema":"Sales"},
{"Id":"295b8615-dc0b-4794-a509-da079c6e40f8","Name":"CRM_Example","Server":"localhost,1460","Database":"CRM_Example","AuthenticationType":"SQL Server Authentication","User":"sa","Schema":"dbo"}]The passwords and other sensitive information are not stored and are only used to discover the source system data.
- Discoveries: contains the discovery YAML files you created, if you saved them in the default path:
Here are more details about Discovery file content: Understand the Discovery YAML file content.
The Help menu is composed of 2 options:
- Open Knowledge Base: opens the biGENIUS-X Knowledge Base concerning the Discovery application ( in a new Web Browser
- About biGENIUS Discovery App: opens a pop-up with the version details:
Demonstration video