Microsoft SQL Server - Target environment

This article outlines a potential setup for target environments for Microsoft SQL Server generators.

Please note that the installation and configuration of this target environment fall outside the scope of biGENIUS support.

We will not offer assistance beyond the provided example in this article.

A Microsoft SQL Server target environment has numerous alternative configurations and installations.

Below is a potential target environment setup for a Microsoft SQL Server generator.

Setup environment

Please install the following tools:

  • SQL Server Management Studio (download available here)
  • Powershell 7 or higher (download available here)
  • Sqlcmd ODBC utility (download available here)
  • SQL Server 2014 or higher

We advise using a Docker image instead of installing a local SQL server.

An example of a Docker image is available here

It contains SQL Server 2022 and 2 example source databases: AdventureWorks2019 and CRM_Example.

To use this image:

  • Install Docker Desktop from here
  • Create a network with the following command in Powershell:
docker network create training-network

It is mandatory to create a Docker network and use the same one if you want to use Apache Airflow as load control.

  • Create a container with the following command in Powershell:
docker run --name training-sqlserver-2022 -p 1460:1433 -d bigeniusx/training-sqlserver:2022-latest 
  • Connect to your SQL Server instance with SQL Server Management Studio with the following credentials:
    • Server name: localhost,1460
    • Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
    • Login: sa
    • Password: Admin2022!
  • You are now connected to your Docker SQL Server with the two source databases already restored:

You're now ready to replace the placeholders in your generated artifacts, deploy these artifacts, and subsequently load the data based on the Generator you are using with the following possible load controls: