Microsoft SQL Server - Deployment - 1.7

Before deploying the Generated Artifacts, please:

You should now have the SQL scripts ready for deployment.

Deploy the generated Artifacts

We will explain deploying the generated artifacts using the possible target environment for Microsoft SQL Server.

To deploy the generated Artifacts:

  • Open Powershell
  • Navigate to your generated artifacts folder:
cd C:\XXXXXXXXX\20240219144515
  • Execute the Powershell script helper for deployment:
  • The prompt asks you for the server or instance name:
  • Enter a server or instance name

If you want to deploy on your laptop's default SQL Server instance, you can leave the value empty; it will use localhost by default.

  • Enter a username

You can leave the value empty if you want to use Windows Authentication.

  • If you enter a username, enter the password
  • You have a similar result: 


The helper script deploy.ps1 will deploy all the scripts from the folders LoadControl and SQL in the correct order.

  • You should now have the Target system created with the structure of future data and the Load Control structure:
Tables Views Stored Procedures

















You can now load the data with the following load controls: