Databricks - Stage Files - Target environment

This article proposes a possible target environment on Databricks using the Hive Catalog.

Installation and configuration of the target environment are not part of biGENIUS support.

Unfortunately, we won't be able to provide any help beyond this example in this article.

Many other configurations and installations are possible for a Databricks target environment.

Below is a possible target environment setup for the Databricks Stage Files generator using the Hive catalog.

The Unity Catalog Property must be set to false:

Setup environment

The Databricks target environment needs at least the following Azure resources set in your Azure Subscription:

  • A Ressource Group: some help is available here
  • Inside the Ressource Group:
    • 2 Storage Accounts: some help is available here
      • 1 for the Source data
      • 1 for the Target Data Lake
    • An Azure Databricks Service some help is available here

In the following example of the target environment, we will use the following resources:

  • A Ressource Group named bg-databricks
  • A Storage Account for our Source Data named bgdatabrickslandingzone1
  • A Storage Account for our Target Data Lake named bgdatabricksdatalake1
  • An Azure Databricks Service named bgaas-testing

Tools to install

Please install the following tools:

  • Azure Storage Explorer: available here

Source Storage Account

Please upload the source Parquet files to the Source Storage Account:

  • Open Azure Storage Explorer
  • Connect to your Subscription
  • Open the Source Storage Account
  • Create one folder by Parquet Source file

The folder name should be identical to the Parquet file name.

For this example, we have 2 Parquet source files, so we need 2 folders:

Upload in each folder the corresponding Parquet Source file, for example, for the SalesOrderDetail folder:

We have the following Delta File containing Credit Card data in our target storage account named bgdatabrickslandingzone1:

Target Storage Account

We have chosen to create a folder named docu-datalake in our Target Storage Account:

  • Open Azure Storage Explorer
  • Connect to your Subscription
  • Open the Target Storage Account
  • Create a folder 

For this example, we have 1 Target folder for our Data Lake:

Upload Artifacts in Databricks

Please now upload the generated Artifacts from the biGENIUS-X application to the Databricks Workspace.

Please replace the placeholders before uploading the artifacts.

  • Click on the Azure Databricks Service in Azure:
  • Then click on the URL:
  • Databricks is opened:
  • Click on the Workspace menu on the left-hand-side:
  • Expand the folders Workspace > Users and click on your user:
  • We have chosen to create a folder named Artifacts:

  • Import all the generated artifacts from the folder Jupyter, Helpers, and LoadControl:

It is possible to have one or several files not imported as:

It is due to Databricks itself.

Just restart the import for the concerned files, and it should work.

In the file 500_Deploy_and_Load_DataVault_Databricks.ipynb, adapt the name of the XXX_Deployment.ipynb, the XXX_SimpleLoadexecution.ipynb, the XXX_MultithreadingLoadExecution.ipynb, and the XXX_SelectResults.ipynb by the name of your Helper files.

    Create a Compute Cluster

    To be able to execute the Notebooks from our generated artifacts, please create a Compute Cluster in Databricks:

    • Click on the Compute menu on the left-hand-side:
    • Click on the Create compute button:
    • Change the following information:
      • Check "Single node"
      • Databricks runtime version: choose "13.3 LTS (Scala 2.12, Spark 3.4.1)
      • In Advanced Options, Spark, insert all the needed config to authorize your cluster to access the Source and Target Storages Accounts. Following is an example in our environment (should not work the same in your environment):
        • Replace <your_scope> by the name of your scope storing the secret
        • Replace <your_secret> by your secret's name OAuth org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider OAuth <your_secret> org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider OAuth
    spark.master local[*, 4]
    spark.databricks.cluster.profile singleNode OAuth <your_secret> org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.oauth2.ClientCredsTokenProvider <your_secret> <your_secret>
    • If you want to activate the logging:
      • Download the following script:
      • Import this file in your Databricks workspace (near the artifacts folder)
      • In Advanced Options, Init Scripts, select this file from your workspace:
      • It is then considered on cluster bootup.
    • Click on the Create compute button:
    • Wait until the Cluster is available:

    If you have already discovered your source data, modeled your project, and generated the artifacts, you're now ready to replace the placeholders in your generated artifacts, deploy these artifacts, and subsequently load the data based on the Generator you are using with the following possible load controls: