Understand the navigation bar

The navigation bar is made of several areas:

When you start to model a Project, the navigation bar contains additional areas:

  1. Organization and License Plan Overview
  2. Knowledge Base access
  3. Notifications icon
  4. User icon
  5. Application menu
  6. Search bar
  7. Task list

Organization and License Plan Overview

On the left-hand side of the navigation bar you can find:

  • The Organization name
    • In this example: Demo
  • The License plan
    • In this example: Enterprise

If you hover over the Organization and License plan overview, the license details appear:

  • Seats: Number of active Users / Maximum number of active Users according to your license. See Manage Users.
  • Solutions: Number of existing Solutions / Maximum number of Solutions according to your License plan. Please take a look at the Understand Solutions and Projects overview.
  • Projects: Number of existing Projects across all the existing Solutions / Maximum number of Projects according to your License plan. Please take a look at the Understand Solutions and Projects overview.

If you click on the biGENIUS icon, the Solutions and Projects overview is displayed.

Knowledge Base access

When you click on the Knowledge Base icon, the Knowledge Base website is opened in a new tab:

More information can be found here: Use the Knowledge Base.

Notifications icon

If you click on the Notifications icon, the list of current Notifications of the connected User is displayed:

You can manage the notifications here.

User icon

If you click on the User icon, the Administration menu is displayed:

The Administration menu allows you to:

Your User should have the permission: Organization details > View.

Your User should have the permission: Users > View.

Your User should have the permission: Role management > View role.

Application menu

In the Application menu, you can access the following features:

Application menu
Menu Label Link
Branch Overview Understand Branch overview
Source Systems Understand Source Systems overview
Dataflow Modeling Understand Dataflow Modeling overview
Relationship Modeling Understand Relationship Modeling overview
Generate Artifacts Understand Generation overview
Project Settings Manage Project settings and Generator configuration

A dot on the Project Settings icon informs you that you are not using the last available version of the Generator Configuration.

Access the Manage Project settings and Generator configuration page to upgrade to the newest Generator version.

Search bar

If you click on the Search bar icon, the Search bar is displayed.

Task list

If you click on the Task list icon, the list of tasks of the connected User is displayed:

You can manage the task list here.