Use a Project example provided by biGENIUS

To start using biGENIUS-X and explore its features with a project that is already modeled, you can use an example Project provided by biGENIUS.

Use a predefined Project from our Repository

We offer you the opportunity to start working with biGENIUS-X with a predefined project.

Open our public GitHub Repository:

Click on the Repositories tab:

Click on the Project example you wish to work with:

The following Projects are available:

  • datavault-mssql: Project using the Generator Microsoft SQL Server Data Vault.
  • datavault-mart-mssql: Project using the Generator Microsoft SQL Server Vault & Mart.
  • dimensional-mssql: Project example using the Generator Microsoft SQL Dimensional

To use a Project example in biGENIUS-X, there are two possibilities:

  1. Fork the GitHub Repository into your own GitHub account
  2. Download the Project Repository, create a clean repository in your own Azure DevOps, GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket environment, clone it locally, and then commit and synchronize the downloaded files

Then, import the Project into your biGENIUS-X Organization.

Fork the GitHub Repository

Sign in to your GitHub account (or create an account if you do not have one already):

You can only fork a GitHub Repository with a GitHub account. If you do not want to create an account, you can still download the Repository.

Click on the Fork button:

The Create a new fork page is displayed:

You can change the Repository name and the owner if you need to.

Click on the Create fork button.

Your Forked repository is displayed in your own GitHub account:

You can now use the URL as a Metadata Repository when you import a Project in biGENIUS-X.

Download the Project Repository

Click on the Code button and select the Download ZIP option:

zip file with the Project Repository files is created and downloaded in the default download location set for your Web Browser as:

You can now import the content of this ZIP file into a new Repository in your Azure DevOps or GitHub account.

This allows you to use the URL of this new Repository as a Metadata Repository when you import a Project in biGENIUS-X.

Demonstration video