Use a Project example provided by biGENIUS

To start using biGENIUS-X and explore its features with a project that is already modeled, you can use an example Project provided by biGENIUS.

Use a predefined Project from our Repository

We offer you the opportunity to start working with biGENIUS-X with a predefined project.

Open our public GitHub Repository:

Click on the Repositories tab:

Click on the Project example you wish to work with:

The following Projects are available:

  • datavault-mssql: Project using the Generator Microsoft SQL Server Data Vault.
  • datavault-mart-mssql: Project using the Generator Microsoft SQL Server Vault & Mart.
  • dimensional-mssql: Project example using the Generator Microsoft SQL Dimensional

To use a Project example in biGENIUS-X, there are two possibilities:

  1. Fork the GitHub Repository into your own GitHub account
  2. Download the Project Repository and import it in your own Azure DevOps or GitHub environment

Then, import the Project into your biGENIUS-X Organization.

Fork the GitHub Repository

Sign in to your GitHub account (or create an account if you do not have one already):

You can only fork a GitHub Repository with a GitHub account. If you do not want to create an account, you can still download the Repository.

Click on the Fork button:

The Create a new fork page is displayed:

You can change the Repository name and the owner if you need to.

Click on the Create fork button.

Your Forked repository is displayed in your own GitHub account:

You can now use the URL as a Metadata Repository when you import a Project in biGENIUS-X.

Download the Project Repository

Click on the Code button and select the Download ZIP menu:

zip file with the Project Repository files is created and downloaded in the default download location set for your Web Browser as:

You can now import the content of this ZIP file into a new Repository in your Azure DevOps or GitHub account.

This allows you to use the URL of this new Repository as a Metadata Repository when you import a Project in biGENIUS-X.

Demonstration video