Update Source Model Objects from a new Discovery

Let us assume you have done a first Discovery and created some Source Model Objects from it.

Now, your Source System has changed, and you have made a second Discovery.

Using the comparison feature, you have identified the changes between the 2 Discoveries.

Now, let us look at how to update your existing Source Model Objects.

Update Source Model Objects from a Discovery

To update the Source Model Object from a Discovery, access the Compare 2 Discoveries side panel window:

Review the differences carefully. If all changes meet your expectations, click the UPDATE SOURCE MODEL button:

  • The changes will be applied to the modified Source Model Objects
  • A notification confirms the correct update:

In the previous example, the following Source Model Objects were changed:

  • DuplicatedCustomerConsolidation:
    • You now have the option to create the Source Model Object from the new Discovery if you wish
  • CreditCard:
    • The Source Model Object and all its mappings were deleted
  • SalesOrderDetail:
    • The field CarrierTrackingNumber changed its datatype from NVARCHAR(25) to NVARCHAR(30)
    • The field OrderQty changed its name from OrderQty to OrderQtyUpdated
  • SalesOrderHeader: 
    • The field ShipDate does not exist anymore

Demonstration video