Checked Business Rules
biGENIUS-X includes built-in Business Rules that are validated after a change to a Model Object.
The currently verified Business Rules are available here: Generator Configuration Business Rules.
To see which Business Rule is checked for which Model Object Type, please consult this file.
Notifications for Rules warnings and errors
When a Model Object fails to comply with a Business Rule, an icon will appear on its card after the modification.
- Warning icon: if the Business Rule should be respected but doesn't interfere with the generation process, a warning icon is shown.
- Error icon: If the Business Rule should be followed, an error icon is shown. You can't generate the code until the error is resolved.
When you hover over the notification, details will appear, such as:
For Warning notifications only, it is possible to Hide them.
Warning notifications appear wherever the Model Object card is displayed:
- Dataflow Modeling overview
- Data Lineage
- Terms overview
- Term Mapping overview
- Relationships overview
- Relationship diagram
- Relationship Modeling overview
- Relationship diagram
Demonstration video