Understand the View YAML file content

Each metadata repository contains a view.yml file (See Understand the Project Metadata Repository content).

This file contains all the view settings for Dataflow Modeling and relationship Modeling Views.

View file details

After creating a view, the file should look like this:

  - id: '4a8e7fad-371b-4c37-b6a2-b888aa244f20'
    name: 'Datapipe View 1'
    description: 'Default view for data pipe.'
    type: 'data-pipe'
    default: true
      - id: 'bec44444-a68b-46d2-92f4-0df397235d39'
      - id: '1b9a7c18-a331-441c-bb02-fa7e53b3fab1'
      - id: 'ad072640-8f00-4df1-9f47-46b811c3de44'
  - id: '49c32b06-6568-40a2-9e10-864e43a76775'
    name: 'Customer Order View'
    description: 'Default view for data model.'
    type: 'data-model'
    default: true
      - id: 'b42bed10-f102-4598-b08e-7398c6382faf'
        x: 183.5
        'y': 58
        collapsed: true
      - id: '031d2740-c077-4ef9-a4f3-2f47d457c96d'
        x: 577
        'y': 59
        collapsed: false

The different nodes contain:

Node name Node description Node value example
views List of project's views for data pipe (Dataflow Modeling) and data model (Relationship Modeling) -
views > id View's ID (GUID format) 4a8e7fad-371b-4c37-b6a2-b888aa244f20
views > name View's name Datapipe View 1
views > description View's description Default view for data pipe.
views > type View's type: can be data-pipe (Dataflow Modeling) or data-model (Relationship Modeling) data-pipe
views > default View's default flag - is set to true for the two default views created during project creation true
views > modelObjects  List of Model Objects in the View -
views > modelObjects > id Model Object internal id (GUID format) b42bed10-f102-4598-b08e-7398c6382faf
views > modelObjects > x Model Object position on the horizontal axis (the x-axis) - Only for Relationship Modeling View 183.5
views > modelObjects > y Model Object position on the vertical axis (the y-axis) - Only for Relationship Modeling View 58
views > modelObjects > collapsed Indicate if the Model Object is collapsed (true) or expanded (false) - Only for Relationship Modeling View true