Understand the status bar

The Status bar is displayed on the bottom of each page when modeling in a Branch.

There are several distinct areas in the status bar:

  1. Project and Feature Branch names
  2. Git information
  3. Warnings and errors
  4. Generate Artifact status

Project and Feature Branch names

On the left-hand side of the status bar, you find:

  • The Project name
    • In this example: MSSQL 1.5.0 Datavault and Mart
  • The Local Feature Branch name
    • In this example: feature_1

If you hover over the Project name, the option Go to Repository is displayed:

If you click on the link, the metadata repository URL of the project will be opened in a new tab.

Git information

By default, the git information icon is grey and inactive:

biGENIUS-X works with auto-push. After any change in your project, it is pushed into the Remote Repository.

For more information, see Understand Git Workflow in biGENIUS-X.

Each time the auto-push is working, the git information icon is updated:

When the Push is done, it returns to the default grey, inactive state.

Warnings and errors

By default, the warnings and errors icons are grey and inactive:

Business Rules are defined to help you check the correctness of your modeling.

For more information, please take a look at Understand warnings and errors.

If a Business Rule is not respected, the icons are updated with the number of Errors and/or Warnings:

If you hover over an icon, the list of affected Model Objects is displayed:

  • If the Model Object is a Source, clicking on the model object opens the Term overview of the Model Object
  • If the Model Object is not a Source, clicking on the model object opens the Term Mapping overview of the Model Object

Generate Artifact status

By default, the Generate Artifact status icon is grey and inactive:

When a generation is launched in the Generate Artifact page, the icon shows a generation is in progress:

It returns to the default grey and inactive state when the generation is over.

During a generation, you can navigate to other biGENIUS-X pages. The Generate Artifact status icon allows you to track the generation progress from any page.