Understand the Project YAML file content

Each Metadata Repository contains a project.yml file (See Understand the Project Metadata Repository content).

This file contains all the project settings.

Project file details

After project creation, the file should look like the following:

id: 26ab4295-c580-4b44-c3af-08db70a5f8b1
: Documentation Data Vault
description: This is the project used to document Data Vault modeling.
  id: biGENIUS.Implementation.Generator.Datavault.Mssql
  version: 1.3.1
  - id: 9ad974a0-6ac6-4652-bca1-8b19451c32f5
name: adventure_works_-_sales
    description: This is the Adventure Works Source system for the Sales schema.
    sourceSystemTypeId: 'f69491d8-eed8-43a0-89f9-60195b3415c2'
    activeDiscovery: '4bcd95d8-1d25-49d2-94d7-0c19a96ff479'
  - id: 0f1eda28-dd62-4214-91b6-2c4ebadf9726
name: crm_example
  description: This is the CRM Source system.
    sourceSystemTypeId: 'f69491d8-eed8-43a0-89f9-60195b3415c2'
    activeDiscovery: '0dfa815c-ee94-4dfa-8c53-de2266475aa3'
propertyValues: []

The different nodes contain:

 Node name  Node description  Node value example
 id Project's internal ID (GUID format)  26ab4295-c580-4b44-c3af-08db70a5f8b1
 version Technical version of the application schema  v1.2
 name  Project's name  Documentation Data Vault
 description  Project's description  This is the project used to document  Data Vault modeling.
 sourceSystemTypeId Source System type (GUID format)


(Which corresponds to "MS SQL Server")

 activeDiscovery ID of the active Discovry for the Source system (GUID format)


(See Understand Discovery YAML file content)

 configuration Project's configuration -
 configuration > id Generator implementation package biGENIUS.Implementation.Generator.Datavault.Mssql
 configurations > version Generator implementation package version 1.3.1
 sourceSystems List of project's source systems -
sourceSystems > id Source system's ID (GUID format) 9ad974a0-6ac6-4652-bca1-8b19451c32f5
sourceSystems > name Source system's name adventure_works_-_sales
sourceSystems > description Source system's description This is the Adventure Works Source system for the Sales schema.