Understand the Layering concept

Layering concept

The layering concept in biGENIUS-X is based on the Medallion architecture containing three layer Groups:

Bronze Layer Group

The Bronze Layer Group has the following characteristics:

  • It is the Landing stage
  • It has the same structure as the Source system
  • It is immutable (read-only)
  • It can be historized based on delivery

Use cases:

  • Historic reloads
  • Debugging
  • Testing

It includes the following Layers:

  • Stage
  • Data Store

Silver Layer Group

The Silver Layer Group has the following characteristics:

  • It is cleansed and filtered
  • It is historized (SCD2)
  • It is modeled along subject areas

Use cases:

  • Used by operational analytical teams

It includes the following Layers:

  • Data Vault modeling:
    • Raw Vault
    • Business Vault
  • Dimensional modeling:
    • Dimensional
  • Relational modeling:
    • Core

Gold Layer Group

The Gold Layer Group has the following characteristics:

  • It is highly governed
  • It is well-structured & documented
  • Can be historized based on the use case
  • Complex business rules are applied

Use cases:

  • Used for reporting and analysis
  • To provide ready-to-use reporting

It includes the following Layers:

  • Data Mart


More information about Medallion Architecture is available here.