Understand the biGENIUS-X elements

In biGENIUS-X, you will work with various elements to build your Target data Solution.

You can find definitions of each element in our Glossary.

In addition to the definitions, it is essential to understand the relationships between these elements to utilize biGENIUS-X and model your data Solutions effectively.

Overview of the biGENIUS-X elements

biGENIUS-X elements and their relationships can be summarized in the following diagram:


The diagram is not exhaustive, as there are other biGENIUS-X elements. It represents an overview of the main element's structure.

To begin, you create a Solution.

A Solution groups several Projects. You can manage User access for each Solution.

Within a Project, you create different Branches according to the existing git workflow.

Within a Branch, you start modeling.

Your model contains Model Objects organized into different Layers (as Stage and Raw Vault in this example), adhering to the Medallion architecture.

In a Layer, you create Model Objects of various Model Object Types (Stage, Hub, Satellite, Entity, etc...).

Within a Model Object, you create Terms.

To define how a Term will be loaded, you define a Term Mapping between one or more source Model Object(s) and a target Model Object.

The source Model Objects are organized into Dataflow Sets: these source Model Objects are referred to as Dataflow Set Model Objects in this context.

You can define several Dataflow Sets if your source data comes from different sources: for example, your customer data might come from a CRM system and an e-commerce website.

To determine how to join the data, you select a Set Operator (Union, Except, ...) between two Dataflow Sets.

Now, the Dataflow: a Dataflow is a loader. You can define multiple dataflows if your source data needs to be loaded at different intervals, such as daily and monthly.

Finally, you define Relationships between Model Objects, such as between a Fact and its Dimensions, to maintain traceability of which data from one Model Object is related to which data in another.