Understand Terms overview

You can access the Terms overview from the Dataflow Modeling overview by:

  • Clicking on a Source Model Object title
  • Clicking on the Context menu for a Model Object and select Manage Terms:

The Manage Terms menu contains two areas:

All the available functions in the table are described here: Understand the available functions in the tables.

  1. The Terms overview header
  2. The Terms overview content


In the Terms overview header, you can:

A Warning notification is displayed on the concerned Model Object card if a Business Rule is not respected.

Please take a look at Understand warnings and errors.


In the Terms overview content, the list of Terms of the Model Object with the following information for each Term is displayed:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Data Type
  • Length
  • Precision
  • Scale
  • Historization Type
  • Nullable
  • BK = Business Key
  • FK = Foreign Key
  • ID = Identity
  • DT = Default Term

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