The Solutions and Projects overview page is made of several areas:
- The application's navigation bar
- The Solutions and Projects overview header
- The Solutions and Projects overview content
Navigation bar
The navigation bar is always displayed for all application screens.
Please take a look at the navigation bar.
In the Solutions and Projects overview header, you can:
Your User should have the permission Solutions > Add Solution.
You can see the Solutions (and all the Projects in a Solution) to which your User is assigned.
Users with the Role Owner can manage all the Solutions (so all the Projects) of the Organization.
If there are four or fewer Solutions, all of them are expanded by default.
The Favorite Solution is displayed at the top.
Each Project is represented by a card displaying the following information:
- The Project's name
- The Connection's name
- The Generator Configuration's name
The card color on the left-hand side depends on the Generator Configuration.
In the Solutions and Projects overview content, you can:
- Visualize the number of projects in each Solution:
- Edit a Solution
Your User should have the permission Solutions > Edit Solution.
Your User should have the permission Solutions > Delete Solution.
Your User should have the permission Solutions > Assign User.
Your User should have the permission Solutions > Assign User.
- Create a Project
- Use a Demo Project provided by biGENIUS
- Import a Project
- Use a Project example provided by biGENIUS
For the 4 previous actions, your User should have the permission Projects > Add Project.
Your User should have the permission Projects > Edit Project.
Your User should have the permission Projects > Delete Project.