Understand Relationship Modeling overview

For a dedicated Feature Branch in a Project, you can access the Relationship Modeling overview by clicking on the Relationship Modeling menu in the navigation bar:

It is made of several areas:

  1. The Relationship Modeling overview header
  2. The Relationship Modeling overview content

Your user should have permission Data Models > View Data Model to access the Relationship Modeling overview.


In the Relationship Modeling overview header, you can:


The Relationship Modeling overview content displayed some Model Objects and their Relationships.

A Warning notification is displayed on the relevant Model Object card if a Business Rule is not respected.

Please take a look at Understand warnings and errors.

In the Relationship Modeling overview content, you can:

Your user should have permission Data Models > Data Modelling.

Your user should have permission Data Models > Data Modelling.

Your user should have permission Data Models > Data Modelling.