Understand the Project Metadata Repository content

When you create a Project in a Solution, a default structure is created in the Metadata Repository.

Once you create objects and push them into the Metadata Repository, additional folders or files will become available.

The data are stored in YAML files with the .yml extension.

YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is stored or transmitted. It targets many of the same communications applications as Extensible Markup Language (XML) but has a minimal syntax that intentionally differs from Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).

Metadata Repository content

The Metadata Repository is made of 6 main elements:

Artifacts folder

The artifacts folder contains the last pushed version of the generated artifacts.

Please take a look at Push the generated artifacts to repository for more details.

Discoveries folder

The Discoveries folder contains Discoveries files:

  • One folder per Source System, for example:

The Source System folder names correspond to the Source System internal ID, which uses a GUID format.

You can find the mapping in the project.yml file, for example, here:

  - id: '8a0eb781-b105-4839-9fb8-5be73725b6ee'
    name: 'Adventure Works - Sales'
    description: 'This is the Source system for the Adventure Works database - schema Sales'
    sourceSystemTypeId: 'f69491d8-eed8-43a0-89f9-60195b3415c2'
    activeDiscovery: '1137728b-b1c4-417d-8061-82c1b88d3ec2'
  - id: '72f7f847-c208-4711-aa7e-f67e394d491e'
    name: 'CRM_Example'
    description: ''
    sourceSystemTypeId: 'f69491d8-eed8-43a0-89f9-60195b3415c2'
    activeDiscovery: '243d9fa3-eab7-4c86-a76f-c035167ba9cc'


  • In each Source System folder, the corresponding Discoveries are stored in a YAML file:

Please refer to the Understand the Discovery YAML file content for more details.

Model objects folder

The Model Objects folder contains model objects files:

  • There is one folder per Model Object Layer, for example:
  • In each Model Object Layer folder, the Model Object YAML files are stored:

Please refer to the Understand the Model object YAML file content for more details.

Config file details

The config.yml file contains the Project's custom generator configuration.

Please refer to the Understand the Config YAML file content for more details.

Project file details

The project.yml file contains the project settings.

Please refer to the Understand the Project YAML file content for more details.

View file details

The view.yml file contains the view settings (Dataflow Modeling Views and Relationship Modeling Views).

Please refer to the Understand the View YAML file content for more details.