Understand documentation template

The Project documentation can be generated on the Generation overview page.

It is generated from the documentation template available in the Advanced Settings overview page, DOCUMENTATION tab:

The template provided by default in biGENIUS-X is composed of five parts:

Cover page

The cover page contains:

  • The Project name
  • A table of content


Generated documentation example:

Project details section

The Project details section contains the main information about the Project:

  • Description: Project's description
  • Configuration: Implementation Package Configuration and Version
  • Repository: URL of the git repository containing the Project metadata
  • Branch: Branch's name from where the documentation was generated


Generated documentation example:

Project Properties section

The Project Properties section contains the Project's Properties values:

  • Name: Project's Property name
  • Value: Project's Property value


Generated documentation example:

Source Systems section

The Source Systems section contains:

  • The Source system's list with:
    • Name: Source System name
    • Type: Source System Type
    • Number of objects: Number of Source Model Objects created from the Source System
  • For each Source System, the Source Model Object list with:
    • Name: Source Model Object name
    • Terms: Number of Terms in the Source Model Object
    • Used by: Number of Model Objects using the Source Model Object in their Dataflow Sets


Generated documentation example:

Model Objects section

The Model Objects section contains the Model Object's list grouped by Model Object Type with:

  • Name: Model Object name
  • Attributes: Number of Business Terms (excluding Business Keys, Foreign Keys, Identity Terms, and Default Terms)
  • BKs: Number of Terms set as Business Key
  • Dataflows: Number of Dataflows
  • Rel. to: Number of Relationships to the Model Object
  • Rel. from: Number of Relationships from the Model Object
  • Target objects: Number of Target Objects created by the generator after a generation


Generated documentation example: