The Project documentation can be generated on the Generation overview page.
It is generated from the documentation template available in the Advanced Settings overview page, Documentation option in the left menu:
The template provided by default in biGENIUS-X is composed of five parts:
- A cover page
- A project details section
- A project properties section
- A Source systems section
- A Model Objects section
Cover page
The cover page contains:
- The Project name
- A table of content
Generated documentation example:
Project details section
The Project details section contains the main information about the Project:
- Description: Project's description
- Configuration: Generator Configuration and Version
- Repository: URL of the git repository containing the Project metadata
- Branch: Branch's name from where the documentation was generated
Generated documentation example:
Project Properties section
The Project Properties section contains the Project's Properties values:
- Name: Project's Property name
- Value: Project's Property value
Generated documentation example:
Source Systems section
The Source Systems section contains:
- The Source system's list with:
- Name: Source System name
- Type: Source System Type
- Number of objects: Number of Source Model Objects created from the Source System
- For each Source System, the Source Model Object list with:
- Name: Source Model Object name
- Terms: Number of Terms in the Source Model Object
- Used by: Number of Model Objects using the Source Model Object in their Dataflow Sets
Generated documentation example:
Model Objects section
The Model Objects section contains the Model Object's list grouped by Model Object Type with:
- Name: Model Object name
- Attributes: Number of Business Terms (excluding Business Keys, Foreign Keys, Identity Terms, and Default Terms)
- BKs: Number of Terms set as Business Key
- Dataflows: Number of Dataflows
- Rel. to: Number of Relationships to the Model Object
- Rel. from: Number of Relationships from the Model Object
Generated documentation example: