Understand default Roles

To display the default User Roles, access the Role Management page:

The four default user roles cannot be altered or removed.

  1. Admin
  2. Modeler
  3. Owner
  4. Viewer

Admin Role

This Role has all the Permissions except for Role and User management.

Here is the list of Permissions for the default Admin Role:

 Feature  Permission Assignment
Data Models Manage advanced settings x
Data Models Data Modelling x
Data Models View Data Model x
Discovery Add Discovery x
Discovery Delete Discovery x
Generation Execute x
Generation View x
Organization Details View x
Organization Details Edit  
Projects Add Project x
Projects Delete Project x
Projects Edit Project x
Role Management Delete Role  
Role Management Manage Role  
Role Management View Role  
 Solutions  Add Solution  
 Solutions Delete Solution  
 Solutions  Assign User  
Solutions Edit Solution  
Users Delete  
Users Edit/Block  
 Users  View  

Modeler Role

This Role has all the Permissions to Model Projects. They need help managing Roles and Users or deleting Solutions and Projects. They also cannot change Organization details.

Here is the list of Permissions for this default Modeler Role:

 Feature  Permission Assignment
Data Models Manage advanced settings  
Data Models Data Modelling x
Data Models View Data Model x
Discovery Add Discovery x
Discovery Delete Discovery x
Generation Execute x
Generation View x
Organization Details View x
Organization Details Edit  
Projects Add Project x
Projects Delete Project  
Projects Edit Project x
Role Management Delete Role  
Role Management Manage Role  
Role Management View Role  
 Solutions  Add Solution  
 Solutions Delete Solution  
 Solutions  Assign User  
Solutions Edit Solution  
Users Delete  
Users Edit/Block  
 Users  View  

Owner Role

This Role has all the Permissions.

Here is the list of Permissions for this default Owner Role:

 Feature  Permission Assignment
Data Models Manage advanced settings x
Data Models Data Modelling x
Data Models View Data Model x
Discovery Add Discovery x
Discovery Delete Discovery x
Generation Execute x
Generation View x
Organization Details View x
Organization Details Edit x
Projects Add Project x
Projects Delete Project x
Projects Edit Project x
Role Management Delete Role x
Role Management Manage Role x
Role Management View Role x
 Solutions  Add Solution x
 Solutions Delete Solution x
 Solutions  Assign User x
Solutions Edit Solution x
Users Delete x
Users Edit/Block x
 Users  View x

Viewer Role

This Role has the Permission to only view all the Features.

Here is the list of Permissions for this default Viewer Role:

 Feature  Permission Assignment
Data Models Manage advanced settings  
Data Models Data Modelling  
Data Models View Data Model x
Discovery Add Discovery  
Discovery Delete Discovery  
Generation Execute  
Generation View x
Organization Details View x
Organization Details Edit  
Projects Add Project  
Projects Delete Project  
Projects Edit Project  
Role Management Delete Role  
Role Management Manage Role  
Role Management View Role  
 Solutions  Add Solution  
 Solutions Delete Solution  
 Solutions  Assign User  
Solutions Edit Solution  
Users Delete  
Users Edit/Block  
 Users  View