For a dedicated Project in a Solution, you can access the Branch overview by clicking:
- On the Project in the Solutions and Projects overview:
- On the Branch Overview menu in the navigation bar if you are already inside a Project's Branch:
It is made of several areas:
The User can only see:
- his local Branches
- his remote Feature Branches
- the remote Release Branches from all users
More details about the Git Workflow used in biGENIUS-X are here.
In the Branch overview header, you can:
- Open the metadata repository URL of the Project
- Refresh the Branches list:
- Create a Feature Branch:
or - Create a Release Branch from the Local Main Branch:
- Generate the Local Main Branch:
- Activate the Local Main Branch:
- Fetch changes from the Remote Main Branch to the Local Main Branch: The branch should be activated first
- Pull the changes from the Remote Main Branch to the Local Main Branch: The branch should be activated first
- Validate the Local Main Branch: The branch should be activated first
The Branch overview content displayed:
- Your Local Branches: Feature and Release Branches
- All the Remote Branches: Feature, Release, and Master Branches
Local Branches
For a Local Branch, you can:
- Start Modeling in a Branch:
- Generate a Feature or Release Local Branch:
- Activate a Feature or Release Branch:
- Fetch the changes from the Remote Branch to the local Feature or Release Branch: The branch should be activated first
- Push the changes of a local Feature Branch to the Remote one: The branch should be activated first
- Pull the changes from the Remote Branch to the local Feature or Release Branch: The branch should be activated first
- Start a Pull Request for a local Feature Branch: it opens the Metadata repository URL set for the Project (See Create a Project):
- Validate a Feature or Release Branch: The branch should be activated first
- Delete a local Feature or Release Branch:
- Create a Hotfix Branch from a Release Branch: The branch should be activated first
Remote Branches
For a Remote Branch, you can:
- Check out the Remote Branch: