Test a Generator upgrade

You have finalized your model in biGENIUS-X and deployed and loaded the data in your production environment.

Good news! A new version of the Generator Configuration you are using is now available.

No worries! We will explain how to test this new generator configuration version in biGENIUS-X without affecting your current project.

Test a Generator Upgrade

To test a Generator upgrade:

  1. Create a new Feature Branch which will be dedicated to testing the upgrade
    1. See Create a Branch
  2. When you open the new Feature Branch, you have 2 possibilities depending on the upgrade type:
    1. Mandatory upgrade: follow the upgrade process when you start modeling in the Feature Branch
    2. Optional upgrade: after starting modeling in the Feature Branch, follow the steps described in Upgrade the Generator version
  3. Your Feature Branch is now up-to-date with the latest Generator Configuration version
  4. You can now:
    1. Address any new error notifications on Model Objects, which may be due to new Business Rules
    2. Generate
    3. Deploy and load data in your test environment
    4. Compare this new Data Solution to the one deployed using the previous Generator Configuration version
  5. When your tests are successful, you can:
    1. Deploy and load data in your production environment
    2. Merge the changes in your main Branch by starting a pull request for a Local Branch

The next Feature Branch you create to change your data Solution will use the upgraded generator configuration.