The Generated Artifacts zip file contains files with placeholders for the target environment parameters.
You should replace all the placeholders to deploy your Snowflake Target System.
Replace the Placeholders
A toolkit is provided in the generated artifacts to replace the placeholders.
It is composed of a Powershell script to execute: replace_placeholders.ps1.
To execute commands with Powershell later in this article, please use at least version 7 provided by Microsoft. If you would like to install the latest version, please check here.
The process to follow is:
- Update the replacement_config.json file with your values:
- Insert the value to replace into the value node for:
- The target Snowflake database(s) in the placeholder database_name
- The target Snowflake schemas in the placeholder schema_name
- The target Snowflake warehouse(s) in the placeholder default_warehouse_name
- The source(s) Snowflake database(s), schema(s) and warehouse(s) in the placeholders database_name, schema_name, and default_warehouse_name
- Insert the value to replace into the value node for:
- Replace the placeholders in the files:
- Open Windows Powershell (or equivalent) in the replace_placeholders.ps1 location:
- Execute the following command :
- Open Windows Powershell (or equivalent) in the replace_placeholders.ps1 location:
- You should have a similar result:
- You should have a similar result:
- The placeholders were replaced in each concerned file
- You can now use these files and deploy your Target system
Some parameters can be added to the replace_placeholders.ps1 command.
All are described and available by executing:
.\replace_placeholders.ps1 -help
The -ReplacementConfigPath parameter mainly permits using a replacement_config.json file in another path. It is beneficial when you are in a development mode for your project.
Example of usage:
.\replace_placeholders.ps1 -ReplacementConfigPath "C:\TEMP\Replacement config files\replacement_config_Snowflake.json"