Show Relationship diagram

The Relationship diagram of a Model Object shows all the relations of a Model Object with other Model Objects with both top-down and bottom-up approaches:

  • You can see all the predecessor Model Objects (with a Relationship to the Model Object)
  • You can see all the successor Model Objects (with a Relationship from the Model Object)

Show Relationship Diagram

To display the Relationship diagram of a Model Object, access the Relationship Overview page:

Click on the Context menu for a Target Model Object and select the Show Relationship menu:

The Relationship diagram is displayed at the bottom:

A Warning notification is displayed on the concerned Model Object card if a Business Rule is not respected.

Please take a look at Understand warnings and errors.

From here, you can:

  • Display the legend of the lines by flying over the information icon:
  • Move a Model Object with a Drag and Drop:
  • Display the action menu for each Model Object. It is the same as in the Modeling overview.
    In addition, you can also display the Relationships for another Model Object in the diagram:
  • Change the depth view of Relationships:

    • Depth 1(Default view): display the predecessors and successors of the Model Object directly in Relationship to it (level 1)
    • Depth 2: display level 1 and predecessors and successors of predecessors and successors of the Model Object directly in Relationship to it (level 2)
    • Depth 3: display levels 1, 2, and 3
  • Center the Relationship diagram (if you moved the canvas itself):
  • Add the Relationship diagram to the Modeling View:
  • Maximize / Minimize the Relationship diagram view:

  • Close the Relationship diagram:

Warning is displayed on the concerned Model Object card if a Business Rule is not respected.

Please take a look at Understand Warnings on the Business Rules.

Demonstration video