A Solution set as a favorite will be expanded by default. You will see all the Projects inside the Solution without a manual expand action:
Hint: Favorites are managed by the User. When logging into the application with a different account, the favorite settings might vary based on that user's preferences.
Set a Solution as a favorite
To set a Solution as a favorite, access the Solutions and Projects overview page:
Click on the Context menu for a Solution that is not set as favorite and select the Set as Favorite menu:
A blue star icon appears in front of the Solution. If the Solution contains Projects, it will expanded:
A notification confirms the update has been successfully applied:
Unset a favorite Solution
To unset a Solution as favorite, access the Solutions and Projects overview page:
Click on the Context menu for a Solution that is set as favorite and select the Deselect as Favorite menu:
The blue star icon disappears in front of the Solution, and the Solution is collapsed if it contains Projects:
A notification confirms the correct update:
Demonstration video