Monitor Load Control
Monitoring the Load Control means controlling and logging the results of a load.
You can:
- Check the status of the current execution
- Check the status of all the executions
Please find more details about Load Control execution plans here: Plan Load Control.
All the details concerning the monitoring for each target technology can be found here: Load data with a native load control.
For example, in a Microsoft SQL Server Generator with a native Load Control, the executions are stored in the following tables:
- Execution: the execution (load) itself is identified by an ID that will be used in the other tables
- Execution_LoadObject_Dependency: the dependencies between the Load Objects added in the execution plan
- Execution_Step: the steps of the execution according to the execution plan
Check the status of the current execution
To check the logs of the current/last execution, execute the following code:
--The execution plan name must be the same as in the Plan Load Control step
EXEC [LC].[Show_Execution] @ExecutionPlan = N'DEV_XXXXX';
This shows a list of all execution steps. The execution status is as follows:
- Finished: The loader has been executed or deactivated
- Running: The loader is currently executed
- Waiting: The loader is waiting to be executed
Check the status of all the executions
A monitoring can be created based on the logging tables.
Some views are available to check all the executions:
--All the executions with all the steps detailed
SELECT * FROM [LC].[Execution_All]
--All the executions detailed by parts
SELECT * FROM [LC].[ExecutionMonitor_All]