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  3. Load data with a native load control

Microsoft Fabric - Load data - 1.4

Before loading the data from your Source(s) System(s) to your Microsoft Fabric Target System, please:

You are now ready to load the data.

Load the data

We will explain how to load the data using the possible target environment for Microsoft Fabric.

To load the data:

  • Open Microsoft Fabric at https://app.fabric.microsoft.com/
  • Enter the Synapse Data Engineering section:

  • The Synapse Data Engineering section is displayed:

  • Open the Workspace where you deployed the artifacts by clicking on the Workspace entry on the left menu:
  • Then on the desired Workspace (bgfabricworkspace1 in our example):
  • Open the 500_Deploy_and_Load_DataVault_Fabric notebook, which contains three steps:
    1. %run Deployment: Deploy the code
    2. %run Fabric_1_4_0_Datavault_and_Mart_SimpleLoadExecution: Load the data
    3. %run Fabric_1_4_0_Datavault_and_Mart_SelectResults: Display the results
  • Execute steps 2 and 3
  • The data were loaded:
    • You should have the target Parquet files created for each Target Model Object, for example, for the Stage CreditCard:
    • Step 3 displayed a resume of the number of rows loaded for each Target Model  Object, for example:

You can now check that your data were correctly loaded with the following script:

--Create a new step with the following code:
mydf = spark.sql("select * from `rdv_hub_customer_hub_result`")
mydf.show(truncate = False)

And see the content of your Target Parquet file: