Manage Organization details

Clicking on the User icon will display the Administration menu.

Selecting the Organization details option will lead you to the Organization details page, where you will find:

  1. The Organization details
  2. The Features Status

Organization details

In the Organization details part, you will find:

  1. Unique Organization Name: The unique name of your Organization in the biGENIUS application
  2. Display Organization Name: The name of your Organization, which is displayed on the left-hand side of the navigation bar

Here, you can edit:

  • Your Organization's displayed name
  • Your Organization's description

Your User should have a Role including the permission Organization details > Edit.

Warning: The Organization name cannot be changed, as it should be unique across the biGENIUS application for all Organizations.

Edit Display Organization Name

Click on the Edit icon near the Display Organization Name:

The Organization Information side panel window is opened:

Update the Display Organization Name and the Organization Description, then click the Save button.

A notification will confirm that the update was successful:


In the Features part, you will find all the features you can manage for your organization.

If the Feature is a preview non-activated, you will find the mention Coming soon...:

If the Feature is a preview activated, you will find the mention Activated (Preview):

If the feature is released, you can choose to activate or deactivate it for your Organization:

Depending on your license, you may have no access to some features.

If this is the case, you will see the following message and not be able to activate the feature:

Demonstration video