- biGENIUS-X Knowledge Base
- Application Modules
- Source Systems
Getting Started
General Overview
Application Modules
- Administration
- Global Features
- Solutions
- Projects
- Branches
- Source Systems
- Dataflow Modeling - Overview
- Dataflow Modeling - Wizard Steps
- Dataflow Modeling - Terms
- Dataflow Modeling - Term Mapping
- Dataflow Modeling - Relationships
- Relationship Modeling
- Generate Artifacts
- Project Settings
- Data Marketplace
Discovery application
Best Practices
Product Release Notes
Legal Documents
Manage Discoveries
For a general overview, refer to the article Understand the Discovery process.
If you click on the DISCOVERIES tab in the Source Systems overview page, the Manage Discoveries page opens:
Manage Discoveries page
The Manage Discoveries page displays the source systems and their respective discoveries. To view the discoveries within each source system, expand the Source System.
If a Discovery was created from a Data Marketplace Source System and it contains a new version of the Data Contract, the message Update available appears:
In the Manage Discoveries page, you can:
- Edit a Source system:
- Delete a Source System:
- View a Discovery:
- Delete a Discovery:
- Switch to another Discovery (for a non-active Discovery):
- Create Source Objects from an active Discovery: