Import a Project to be used as a Linked Project

Import a Project

To import a Project to be used as a Linked Project in a Project, access the Source Systems overview page for a Project Branch:

Click on the LINKED PROJECTS tab:

Then click on the Import button:

The Import from a Project side panel window is opened. It is composed of 2 steps: Import, then Add Model Objects:

Fill in the following information:

  1.  Add to an existing Import: 2 possibilities:
    1. Add an Import in a new Linked Project :
      Select the entry "-Add new Import-" in the Import list:

      Then fill:

      1. Source System Type
      2. Import Name

    2. Add Import for an existing Linked Project:
      Select the Import in the Import list:

  2. Select File: select the Project File (YAML) in your local system.

If you do not select a valid file type or a file that is not well-formed, you will receive the following notification:

Then click on the NEXT button.

The Add Model Objects step is displayed in the side panel window. See Create Linked Model Objects from a Linked Project.

The Import appears in the Linked Projects list:

A notification confirms the correct import:

Demonstration video