I want to upload my certification badge to Badgr and publish it on LinkedIn

Congratulations, you passed a biGENIUS-X certification (engineer, expert)!

If you want to publish your certification on LinkedIn (or your preferred social media platform), just follow the steps described in this article.

  1. Create your account in Badgr
  2. Download the certification badge on Adobe Learning Manager

  3. Connect your Adobe Learning Manager badges to Badgr
  4. Publish it on LinkedIn

Create your account in Badgr

Badgr allows users to issue and manage standardized digital badges called Open Badges. A digital badge is a visual symbol of accomplishment.

To upload your certification badge into Badgr, create a free account at https://eu.badgr.com/auth/login with the same email you use to connect to the biGENIUS-X eLearning platform.

Download the certification badge

We advise downloading your certificates on the eLearning Platform Adobe Learning Manager, to be independent of Badgr if needed.

For that, go to the home page and click on the Badge(s) in the "My Achievements" section:

Here, you can download the PDF certificates:

Connect your ALM badges to Badgr

In the Badges section, click on Configure Badgr:

Select the Instance European region and click on Connect.

Sign in to Badgr with your credentials, then click on Authorize:

Your badge(s) upload will appear as In queue:

After some time, your badge(s) will appear as Uploaded:


Connect to Badgr with your credentials. You can now see your badge(s) in the Backpack menu:

Publish it on LinkedIn

In Badgr:

  • Click on Share for 1 badge
  • Then, on Social and, choose LinkedIn

Connect to LinkedIn with your account, then post your badge, for example:

You can publish it to all other social media or places with the provided link.