Historization Type (Term and Relationship)


The Property named Historization Type is available when you edit a Term or when you edit a Relationship

It allows setting the historization of a Term or of a Relationship.

Data loaded can be historized if the Model Object has one or more Business Keys.

If there is already a data entry for a Business Key in the table and new data is arriving for the same Business Key, the existing data version is closed, and a new open version is added.

The historization is row-based.

If new data for any historization-relevant Term arrives, a new version is created for all Terms in the row, even for those not configured as not historization-relevant.

It corresponds to configuring the Slowly Change Dimension or SCD for a Term or a Relationship.


The Historization Type is a List of values.

The historization is configured for each Term separately by setting the Property to one of the following values:

  • - (None):
    • The column is not historization-relevant. Typically, this is used for Business Keys or technical fields from the source system.

    • Even if new arriving data has changed for any Term configured with SCD type "None", this change will not trigger a new version or an update to existing data.

    • However, if another column triggers a new version, columns configured with SCD type "None" will only be loaded once and never changed, even if the source data changes (similar to SCD0).

  • SCD0
    • SCD0 is static
    • We load the column once and never change it, even if the source data changes.
  • SCD1:
    • The value of this column can be updated.
  • SCD2:
    • If new arriving data has changed for any column configured as SCD2, the status of the existing current row is set to close, and the ValidTo column is put to the transaction date.

    • A new row is added to the table with the status open, and ValidFrom set to the transaction date.


Default Value

The default value for all Terms is - (None).



The value of 2 other Properties is used for Historization: