


Target file generated by biGENIUS-X from a Model (the content varies based on the Generator used).

A complete set of Artifacts can be deployed onto a Target Platform to create the target Data Warehouse.


In Git, a Branch allows for developing and coding a new feature or software modification without impacting the main project. It is in essence a copy of the Main Repository that contains changes such as a new Model Object, for example.

There are three types of Branches: the Main Branch, the Feature Branch, and the Release Branch.

In biGENIUS-X, a Branch can either be Local (the Branch content is stored in the Web Browser cache) or Remote (the Branch is published in the remote Git Repository).

More information can be found here.

Business Key

A unique type of key in a database that guarantees that each row is unique. It relies on columns that naturally exist within a table.
It can either be a single column or a combination of columns.


This represents the flow of data between two Model Objects. A single dataflow represents a single Loader.

More information can be found here.

Dataflow Model Object

A Model Object that is used in a Dataflow Set.

More information can be found here.

Dataflow Set

Selection of data (SELECT statement).

More information can be found here.

Data Lineage

Dependencies between Model Objects. Data Lineage shows the data journey, its origin, and all transformations.

Default Term

An additional column that gets added to a Model Object.  It includes info like load IDs, keys, etc., supplied by the Generator.


This is the step of retrieving the structure of the Source Model Objects from a Source system (database, file...).

Entity Type

This is the type of Entity in the biGENIUS-X application as Model Object, Project, Term, Relationship, Dataflow, Dataflow Set, Dataflow Model Object, Term Mapping, and Layer.


Foreign Key

Column or group of columns in a relational database table that refers to the primary key of another table.


A set of code for generating Target Artifacts from a Model using a Target Technology (e. g. Microsoft SQL Server, Snowflake) and Modeling approach (e. g. Data Vault, Dimensional).


Distributed version control system. It tracks modifications in any set of computer files. 


A unique type of column that is used to automatically generate key values based on a provided seed (starting point) and increment. 


Source, Stage, Raw Vault, and Business Vault are layers in Data Vault modeling. Layers can be grouped in Layer Groups to fit the Medallion architecture. For example, the Silver Layer Group in Data Vault modeling includes the Layers Raw Vault and Business Vault.

Layer Group

A Layer Group is the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Layer in the Medallion architecture.


Marking something (in the UI)

In biGENIUS-X, marking something implies having just the borders in blue.

Some actions are available by marking an element.

Example: mark the Model Object CreditCard:

Model Object

A Semantic Model Object includes a Name, a list of Terms, Term mappings from another Model Object, and Relationships from and to other Model Objects. 

Model Object Type

A Semantic Modeling element, such as Stage, Entity, Fact, Satellite, etc. 


Push notifications from biGENIUS-X are sent to the User.

Each notification confirms a successful action (creation, update, deletion, etc.), a warning, or an error in an activity.


A collection of Solutions and Projects related to a specific License for a particular Customer (Company). 


Stands for Personal Access Token.

This string of characters can be used as an alternative to a typical password to authenticate a user's access to the Git Repository for a project in biGENIUS-X.


The authorization to view, change, or delete one or more elements in biGENIUS-X.
Permissions are managed within a Role.


 A Project encompasses all the Model Objects and their interactions that are needed to Generate Artifacts. A Project corresponds to a Git Repository.


A configuration element for an item (Model Object, Term, Relationship, etc.) to set up the Generation process.

It can be a primary Property like a Name, a Description, etc., or a Property that depends on the Generator Configuration.



A connection between Model Objects.

A Relationship can be:
  • One-to-one: each instance of the parent Model Object corresponds to exactly one instance of the child Model Object.
  • One-to-many: each instance of the parent Model Object corresponds to zero or more instances of the child Model Object.
  • Many-to-many:  each instance of the parent Model Object corresponds to zero or more instances of the child Model Object, and the same applies in reverse.


This is a collection of permissions defined for biGENIUS-X that can be assigned to specific Users in specific contexts. 

Select (in the UI)

In biGENIUS-X, selecting something implies highlighting the entire element. 

Example: select a Property


An unknown element of a Target element.

For instance, an Entity always contains a Singleton, which represents an unknown value in this Entity.

Suppose the Entity is used in a relationship with a Fact table, and the Fact table references a value that does not exist in the Entity. In that case, the Fact table would use the Singleton value of the Entity. 


A collection of Projects.

Source System

A collection of Discoveries.


A component of a Generator.

A template is a file that contains c# code and is utilized in the generation process. 


An attribute of a Model Object.

Term Mapping

The mapping between one Term from a Source Model Object to one or several Terms of a Target Model Object. Term Mappings are handled within Dataflows.


A User is a unique individual defined by an email address. Users are granted access to biGENIUS-X along with a password and a Role.