Generate a PAT (Personal Access Token) on Azure DevOps

A Personal Access Token (PAT) is required to authenticate and securely connect to your repository. Follow these steps to generate a PAT in Azure DevOps for managing your Project metadata. 

Generate a PAT in Azure DevOps

To generate a Personal Access Token in Azure DevOps in the Cloud or on-premise:

  • Connect to Azure DevOps with your account
  • Depending on your Azure DevOps server:
    • In the Cloud:
      • In the navigation bar, click on the Settings icon and choose the Personal access tokens menu:
    • On-premise:
      • In the navigation bar, click on the User icon and choose the Security menu:
  • Click on the New Token button:
  • Fill in the following information:
    1. Name: fill in a name for the new PAT
    2. Organization: choose the Azure DevOps organization for which you want to generate a token
    3. Expiration: choose the validity date of your token
    4. Scope: can be Full access or Custom defined
    5. Custom scope details: should be at least Code > Full if you don't need full access

Caution: We recommend avoiding the full access scope for security reasons.

  • Click on the Create button
  • Your PAT is generated:
  • Save it in a secure place as you will need it to create a Project within biGENIUS-X

It is crucial to save the generated PAT since it cannot be viewed again. If it is lost, you will have to generate a new one.

  • Click on the Close button.
  • Your new PAT appears in the list of your PATs:

Demonstration video