JSON Schema support
The discovery app can now discover JSON Schema files from your local machine.
New Features
JSON Discovery
Added a new discovery module for discovering JSON schema files.
App / UI
Introduced a new application menu for improved navigation and usability.
Discovery File Generation
Updated MySQL Discovery to indicate support for MariaDB.
Bug Fixes
PostgreSQL Discovery
Fixed an issue where the schema was not working properly.
Enhanced performance by modifying SQL queries to retrieve all columns in a single query.
MySQL Discovery
Enhanced performance by modifying SQL queries to retrieve all columns in a single operation.
Fixed an issue where the port definition was not properly recognized in specific formats.
Parquet - Azure Platform Discovery
Fixed an issue where the loading spinner did not indicate background activity properly.
Parquet - Local Filesystem Discovery
Resolved a bug causing field names to be discovered in lowercase instead of their original casing.
CSV - Azure Platform Discovery
Fixed an issue where the loading spinner did not indicate background activity properly.
Updated the AccessToken field to be a mandatory input.
Fixed a bug preventing the discovery of tab-delimited CSV files.
CSV - Local Filesystem Discovery
Resolved a bug causing field names to be discovered in lowercase instead of their original casing.
Fixed an issue where the waiting spinner did not properly indicate background activity.
Fixed a bug preventing the discovery of tab-delimited CSV files.
CSV - AWS Discovery
Resolved a bug preventing the discovery of tab-delimited CSV files.
Source Object Grid
Improved performance when loading large amounts of source object data.
Technical Improvements
App / UI
Added proper input validation to all discovery configuration forms with comprehensive validation checks.
Updated form layouts across discovery views to display input validation feedback effectively.
Implemented a mandatory indicator for fields where input is required.
Streamlined navigation controls on discovery configuration views.
Parquet - Local Filesystem Discovery
Removed obsolete properties from the discovery configuration.
All Parquet Discoveries
Updated parquet handlers to respect original field casings.
Download it here.