Discover CSV files on the local file system

Please first read how to use the Discovery Application.

Discover CSV files

To discover CSV files on the local file system with the Discovery Application, please choose the following source system type:

Then fill in the following information:

  • Name: discovery name
    • Example: CSV_AW2019_Local
  • File or Directory: fill a path to a directory if you want to discover several CSV files or the path to the file itself if you want to discover a single CSV 
      • Example: C:\Discovery Application\CSV on local file system\source
      • This path contains several CSV files:
    • Column Delimiter: delimiter character used to separate the values between the columns in your CSV file.
      • Example: |
    • Row Delimiter: row delimiter that separates the rows in the source CSV file:

      • Example: \r\n
    • Field Quote (optional): specify which character surrounds the string values in the file
      • Example: "
    • Field Length (optional): if you want to specify a length for each column in your file, you can enter it here. 
      • Example: 400
        • All the columns from the file will be varchar(400)


    You can download an example of a discovery file here to start modeling, even if you don't have any access to this source system type.