Please first read how to use the Discovery Application.
Discover CSV files
To discover CSV files on Azure with the Discovery Application, please choose the following source system type:
Then fill in the following information:
The value examples below correspond to the source example explained in the Databricks Stage Files target environment.
- Name: discovery name
- Example: CSV_AW2019_Azure
- Storage Account Name: account name of the Azure Storage
- Example: bgdatabrickslandingzone1
The Storage Account Name can be found in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer: select the Storage Account and copy the Account Name displayed in the Properties tab:
- Storage Account Key: account key of the Azure Storage
The Storage Account Key can be found in Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer: select the Storage Account and copy the Primary Key displayed in the Properties tab after clicking on the eye icon:
- Blob Container URL:
- Example:
- File Path Type:
- Single CSV File: select this option if you want to discover a single CSV file
- Example of a single CSV file:
- Example of a single CSV file:
- Directory: select this option to discover a folder containing several CSV files:
- Example of 4 CSV files in the same folder:
- Example of 4 CSV files in the same folder:
- Single CSV File: select this option if you want to discover a single CSV file
- File Path (without URL): according to the File Path Type selected, fill:
- Single CSV File: the path to the single file
- Example: csv/CreditCard.csv
- Single CSV File: the path to the single file
- Directory: the path to the folder containing all the CSV files
- Example: csv/
- Directory: the path to the folder containing all the CSV files
- Column Delimiter: delimiter character used to separate the values between the columns in your CSV file.
- Example: |
- Row Delimiter: row delimiter that separates the rows in the source CSV file:
- Example: \r\n
- Field Quote (optional): specify which character surrounds the string values in the file
- Example: "
- Field Length (optional): if you want to specify a length for each column in your file, you can enter it here.
- Example: 400
- All the columns from the file will be varchar(400)
- Example: 400