Discover an Oracle database

Please first read how to use the Discovery Application.

Discover an Oracle database

To discover an Oracle database with the Discovery Application, please choose the following source system type:

Then, fill in the following information:

  • Name: discovery name
    • Example: Oracle_AW2019
  • Hostname:Port: host and port to connect to the database
    • Example: localhost:1521
  • Service Name: Oracle service name
    • Example: ORCLPDB1
  • Authentication Type: must be Password Authentication
  • Schema Name: schema name
    • Example: AWDEMO2019
  • User: user who can connect to the database
    • Example: AWDEMO2019
  • Privilege Type:

    • Example: User Privilege Type
  • Password: password of the user


You can download an example of a discovery file here to start modeling, even if you don't have any access to this source system type.