Please first read how to use the Discovery Application.
Discover a Snowflake database
To discover a Snowflake database with the Discovery Application, please choose the following source system type:
Then, fill in the following information:
The value examples below correspond to the source example explained in the Snowflake target environment.
- Name: discovery name
- Example: Snowflake_AW2017
- Account: the Snowflake account where the source database is located
- Example:
- Database: database name
- Example: SNOWFLAKE_461345104558_USER_01
- User: user who can connect to the database
- Example: TRAINING_461345104558_USER_01
- Password: password of the user
- Schema: schema name
- Example: AW2017
- Role (optional): if the user have a specific role to access the database
- Example: R_SNOWFLAKE_461345104558_USER_01
If your Snowflake user uses Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) with Duo, a notification to accept the connection will be sent when you will click on the Discover Source System Data button:
Please accept it.
Then the discovery will display the available source objects in the database.
You can download an example of a discovery file here to start modeling, even if you don't have any access to this source system type.