Define a development and naming convention

Development convention

Development prerequisites

We strongly suggest that you make a new Feature Branch before you start any new development.

Naming convention suggestions

Object name

Use the Pascal case/camel case naming convention for all object names.

The words should be linked without spaces, and all words should begin with an upper letter.


  • MyNameOfVariable
  • MyUrl

In case of multiple names (see Entity name below), use an underscore to separate the themes.

Raw Vault Composite name

Prefix all Raw Vault Composite by RVC_

If several levels of Raw Vault Composite exist (for example, a Raw Vault Composite uses another Raw Vault Composite), use a counter in the prefix as RVC1_, RVC2_, and the same name after. This helps you to keep your data flows organized.


  • RVC1_Customer
  • RVC2_Customer (uses RVC1_Customer as source)

The same convention must be applied for the Business Vault Composites with a BVC_ prefix.

Entity name

Please use a principal name and a subname for all entities to ensure clarity.

Using entities in a hierarchical dimension allows having the related entities one after the other in the list of Model Objects.

Example: Entity Category_Category and entity Category_SubCategory are used in the dimension Category: Both are listed one after the other in the list of Model Objects.

And even if entities are not used in a hierarchical dimension, this naming convention allows you to be consistent.

Fact name

Prefix all fact names with "F_" or something similar to "FACT_."

After deployment, you can quickly recognize a fact object in a biGENIUS Data Warehouse.

Data Vault Object name

The Model Object Type will suffix the Model Object names if you use a Wizard to create the Model Object.

Example: Customer_Hub

If you do not use the Wizard, please manually add the Model Object type after the Model Object name.