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  3. Load data with a native load control

Databricks - Load data - 1.4

Before loading the data from your Source(s) System(s) to your Databricks Target System, please:

You are now ready to load the data.

Load the data

We will explain how to load the data using the possible target environment: Databricks.

To load the data:

  • Open Databricks with the URL provided in the Azure Databricks Service resource:
  • Databricks is opened:
  • Click on the Workspace menu on the left-hand-side:
  • Expand the folders Workspace > Users > Your_user > artifacts:
  • Open the 500_Deploy_and_Load_DataVault_Databricks.ipynb file, which contains three steps:
    1. %run ./Deployment.ipynb: Deploy the code
    2. %run ./DocumentationSparkDataVault_SimpleLoadExecution.ipynb: Load the data
    3. %run ./DocumentationSparkDataVault_SelectResults.ipynb: Display the results
  • Select the Compute Cluster (Demo Cluster in our example)
  • Execute steps 2 and 3
  • The data were loaded:
    • You should have the target Parquet files created for each Target Model Object, for example, for the Stage CreditCard:
    • Step 3 displayed a resume of the number of rows loaded for each Target Model  Object, for example:

You can now check that your data were correctly loaded with the following script:

select * from `rawvault`.`rdv_hub_creditcard_hub`;

And see the content of your Target Parquet file: