- biGENIUS-X Knowledge Base
- Generators
- Model Object Types
Getting Started
General Overview
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- Administration
- Global Features
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- Projects
- Branches
- Source Systems
- Dataflow Modeling - Overview
- Dataflow Modeling - Wizard Steps
- Dataflow Modeling - Terms
- Dataflow Modeling - Term Mapping
- Dataflow Modeling - Relationships
- Relationship Modeling
- Generate Artifacts
- Project Settings
- Data Marketplace
Discovery application
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Create a Source
A Model Object of type Source can be created in the Source Layer.
What is a Source
A Source represents the structure of a source object in the source system.
Creation steps
There are three possibilities to create a Source Model Object:
- Creation from the Discovery of a Source System:
- Recommended possibility
- Creation from a Linked Project
- Recommended possibility
- Create a Model Object manually:
- Not recommended possibility: only for test or POC purposes
- Create a Model Object of type Source in the Source Layer
A Source Model Object can be customized through the following Properties in the Microsoft SQL Server - Stage Files generator only:
- File Extension
- File Group Pattern
- Column Collation
- Column Delimiter
- Row Delimiter
- Batch Size
- Code Page
- Field Quote
- First Data Row
Default Terms
A Source Model Object doesn't include any Default Terms.