Create a Record Tracking Link Satellite

A Model Object of the Record Tracking Link Satellite type can be created in the Raw Vault  Layer.

What is a Record Tracking Link Satellite

In a Data Vault model, a Record Tracking Link Satellite is a particular Link Satellite type (See Create a Link Satellite). 

It is a raw Link Satellite that keeps track of when a record was seen in a source.

We can use this Record Tracking Link Satellite table to quickly identify the current records in a Link Satellite Result View.

No Terms should be added in a Record Tracking Link Satellite. If you add some terms, they will be ignored during the code generation.

Creation steps

There are two possibilities to create a Record Tracking Link Satellite Model Object:

    In each creation possibility, please, after Record Tracking Link Satellite creation: 

    • Define the tracking of the occurrence: map the Default Term BG_Appearance to the value 1.


    A Record Tracking Link Satellite Model Object can be configured through the following Properties

    Default Terms

    A Record Tracking Link Satellite Model Object will include the following Default Terms: