Create a Dataflow Set

Create a Dataflow Set

To create a new Dataflow Set, click on the Plus icon in the Sets overview on the Term Mapping overview page:

The Create new Set side panel window is opened:

Fill in the following information:

  1. Name: Dataflow Set's name
  2. Description (optional): The Dataflow Set's description
  3. Alias (optional): Dataflow Set's alias
  4. Select Dataflow (optional or mandatory): Dataflow Set's Dataflow
    1. If you create the first Dataflow Set, the first Dataflow will be automatically created, so you cannot choose one.
    2. Else, it would be best if you chose between the existing Dataflows, for example:
  5. Set Operator (optional or mandatory): Set Operator between the new Dataflow Set and the next one.
    1. If you create the first Dataflow Set in a Dataflow, you cannot choose a Set Operator.
    2. Else, it would be best if you chose a Set Operator, for example:
  6. Where Clause (optional): Where Clause to apply to the complete Dataflow. 
  7. Having Clause (optional): Having Clause to apply to the complete Dataflow. 

An IntelliSense editor is available for the Where and Having Clauses. It is based on:

  •  The source terms of the Dataflow Objects:

  • The target technology language - here, SQL:

Click on the SAVE button.

A notification confirms the correct creation:

The new Dataflow Set is now visible:

You can now start to add model objects in the Dataflow Set.

Demonstration video