Create a Custom Default Term

Create a Custom Default Term

To create a new Custom Default Term, access the Advanced Settings overview page and select the CUSTOM DEFAULT TERMS tab.

The Manage Custom Default Terms page is displayed:

Click on the plus icon to create a Custom Default Term:

The Create Custom Default Term side panel window is opened:

Fill in the following information:

  1. Name: Custom Default Term name
  2. Naming Convention (optional): you can Display the list of possible placeholders for the Naming Convention by hovering over the information icon:

    You can use these placeholders to create a Naming Convention for the Custom Default Term.

  3. Description (optional): Custom Default Term description
  4. Model Object Type: Custom Default Term Model Object Type
    1. Select the Model Object Type for which the Custom Default Term will be used:
  5. Parts per Model Object Type: Depending on the Model Object Type selected, the list of Model Object Type parts is available in a list
    1. Select the Part for which the Custom Default Term will be applied as follows with Hub selected as Model Object Type:
    2. You can select several parts
  6. DataType: The Data Type list depends on the Semantic configuration of the Generator. In this example, you can choose the following Data Types:

  7. Length (optional): Custom Default Term's maximum length. Relevant for a Data Type varchar for example. For Data Type varchar(50), the text can have 50 characters.
  8. Precision (optional): Custom Default Term's precision. It is the number of digits that make up a number. Relevant for a Data Type decimal for example. For Data Type decimal(38,17), the number can have 38 digits in total, and 38 - 17 = 21 digits on the left.
  9. Scale (optional): Custom Default Term's scale. It is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. Relevant for a Data Type decimal for example. For Data Type decimal(38,17), the number can have 17 digits to the right.

If you would like to have multiple Model Object Types for a Custom Default Term, you have to create a Custom Default Term per Model Object Type

Click on the SAVE button.

A notification confirms the correct creation:

The new Custom Default Term is now available as a Term for the Model Object Type chosen as follows for the Model Object Type Stage:

  • Custom Default Term entry:
  • Model Object of Type Stage:

Demonstration video