Configure a Metadata Repository in GitLab for your Project

For each biGENIUS Project, you need a repository to store the Project’s metadata. This guide explains how to create and configure a metadata repository in GitLab, enabling you to manage your project's metadata with Git version control. 

Create a repository in GitLab

To create a repository in GitLab:

  • Connect to GitLab with your account

Ensure you are logged into GitLab with an account that has the necessary permissions to create a repository.

  • On the Home page, click on Create a project

  • Select Create blank project

  • Fill in the following information:

      1. Project name: fill in a name for the new repository

      2. Visibility level: choose Private

      3. Project Configuration: you can check or not Initialize repository with a README

Note: When creating a project in the Git repository, the folder and file structure will only be generated if the repository is empty (the README file can still exist).

    • Click on the Create project button. 
    • Your new repository is created:
    • Click on the Clone button

Ensure that you use the URL provided under Clone with HTTPS.

This URL must end with .git, such as


You can now create a Project using the HTTPS URL of this metadata repository.

Demonstration video