Add a User

Add a User

To create a new User, access the Manage Users page:

Then, click on the Add User button:

The Add a User to this organization side panel window is opened:

If your license plan doesn't include the role based access control advanced feature:

You can't choose a different Role than Owner, which gives access to all the application features :

Fill in the following information:

  1. E-Mail: fill in the User's email
  2. Role: select the User's Role. Please take a look at Manage User Roles for more details about Roles.
  3. First Name: User's first name
  4. Last Name:  User's last name

      Then, click on the Save button:

      • The new User appears in the Invited User list:
      • A notification confirms the correct update:
      • The User receives an invitation email. See Set up your account.

      If the User didn't receive the invitation email or accidentally deleted it, it is currently not possible to resend it to them. A workaround would be to delete the User and then add them again.

      If the User is already a member of another Organization, they will not receive an invitation. Instead, the User will be able to directly connect to the new Organization.

      Demonstration video