Add a product

Add a Product

To create a new Product, open the Data Marketplace overview page:

Then click on the Add Product button :

Your user should have permission Data Marketplace > Add to add a Product.

The Add Product side panel window opens:

Fill in the following information:

  1. Category: There are two options here: DataProduct and SourceSystem.
  2. Name: fill in the desired Product's name
  3. Description (optional): fill in the desired Product's description
  4. Ownership: It is initialized with your User.
    By clicking on the Add Ownership button, you can add one or several Product owners

    Select a User of your organization:

    You can add several Users if you'd like.
  5. Links (optional): by clicking on the Add Link button, you can add one or several links

    Fill in a link with:
    1. A link title
    2. The link URL

      You can add several links if you'd like.
  6. Tags (optional): by clicking on the Add Tag button, you can add one or several tags

    Fill in a tag:

    You can add several tags if you'd like.

The Product name should be unique for all your organization's Data Products and Source Systems.

Click on the SAVE button.

A notification confirms the successful creation:

The new Product is now available on the Data Marketplace overview page:

Demonstration video